Between 2022 and 2030, the global lubricant market size is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.7%. The scope looks bright, and consumers spend a lot of time researching to zero in on their favorite model. However, while consumers love their vehicles and research a lot before deciding to purchase, they only do a little to choose lubricant.
Consumers are oblivious to the technological complexities in their engines, particularly the stress their engines go through with every ignition. So, contrary to other advertising, automotive engine oil marketing is conservative in marketing its products.
Contrary to other industries where disruption and differentiation are the names of the game, with motor oil marketing, advertisers want to ensure the customer is satisfied.
Pennzoil motor oils and lubricants
Advertising slogan: Not just oil, Pennzoil.
Castrol (BP) industrial and automotive lubricants
Commercial taglines: Superior engine protection
It’s more than just oil, its liquid engineering
Exxon Mobil
Advertising punchlines/taglines: Feel its power
Quality you can count on
Hindustan Petroleum (HP)
Ad punchline: Future full of energy
Havoline / Texaco, brand of motor oils
Ad slogan: Havoline. Add More Life to Your Car.
Mobil 1, synthetic motor oil
Ad slogan: Mobil 1. The oil that’s changing oil.
Shell Oil Company
Ad slogan: Make it happen
Quaker State Motor Oil
Advertising motto: Quaker State your car to keep it running young