It’s always a good idea to promote business through social networking sites along with other form of advertising and promotion. Online marketers seriously believe that through social networking slowly and steadily not a business can create a brand of its own but also can derive a lot of additional traffic, which otherwise would have been difficult or nearly impossible to attain. Return may be slow at the first stage, but social online marketing is considered as great free advertising tool that can build a solid foundation for the brand if implanted properly.What BTW social online marketing is all about? Unlike dead Internet sites, these new age online properties allow people to communicate with each other and hence create meaningful relationships over a period of time. It may be on the ground of hobby or business, it can be anything. In the online world, through videos, discussion groups/massage boards, blogs a company can brand itself easily and without gigantic marketing budget.
Numerous marketers successfully are strategically using social marketing to increase the appeal of their business. There are also examples of successfully getting into a Joint Venture Partnerships. What it means, it is easier to find out business minded people interested in similar niche in the online world. Successful entrepreneurs use social networking sites to spruce up their network of friends with common interests. They share ideas, exchange information and in the long run establish relationships and take it to the next level then promote by becoming partners or referring someone interested in the venture.
By responding to the queries and questions with analytical insights raised by members in the niche massage boards or forums, a company appointed spokesperson can let know other members of the group about its brand and thus enable the mouth publicity to spread further.
Networking may sound like the next buzzword these days, but it was actually the oldest form of communication in this ancient world. By enlisting your name or your company’s name on social networking sites, you can search for your friends and other professionals (like consulting, hosting services, interior decorator, translators etc) and much more.
The popularity of networking websites is spreading all over the Internet. Not only can members make new friends but these sites can be used as marketing tools. They can help increase website traffic by sending tons of traffic to your website and for an added bonus, they can also improve your search engine ranking.
Social Networking sites do not have strict rules for joiners but there are certainly some dos and donts that one must abide by to avoid criticality.
1. Know about multiple social networking sites but concentrate only on few: Because mostly such sites are targeting a certain section of audience. Not all sites will help all kinds of businesses or ventures or people, for that matter. For example, if you want to reach serious business minded people over 40 years of age, MySpace, however popular it may be, will not yield you much result.
While Facebook can be considered as multi utility site, LinkedIn has an edge for its professional networking niche.
2. Let your profile look credible: Most social networking sites give you the feature of writing your own profile. Take some time, give it some thought and come up with a profile, which looks, credible and professional. Many go overboard and talk big. Don’t do that. You may also mention your website address (if you have one) or postal address with phone numbers. You can also put a picture of yours which adds professional value to your personality, which look professional (if you are into investment banking, your pic in a Hawaiian shirt, a leisure cap and goggle may not help the cause).
3. Be familiar with applications and widgets: Believe me they are not as difficult and technical to understand as you think they are. Facebook, amongst others, gives you an opportunity to create a business page for your business and etc. You can have a fan page also there. You can make a good use of RSS Feeds, groups, niche forums, podcasting etc.
4. Make use of person-to-person networking opportunity: Go ahead and communicate with experts and experienced (or novice) people from your industry. However, don’t overdo it or else you may find your profile getting blacklisted. You can send them invitation with a personalized message. Be confident, be polite.
5. Selective friends or popular Tom: Its your take. You may accept friend requests from all and sundry or create a selective friend list. Its better to form a small group of friends with similar interests, passions, aspirations or expertise.
6. Promote your blog on them: So that the likely people or group notice your blog and thus notice you.
7. Don’t overdo marketing, don’t spam:
It’s a fact, everyone has an opinion and everybody wants to get theirs heard. If you think that you have information that will draw in the masses and keep them coming back then explore the endless possibilities of social online networking.
You just won’t know until you try
Read: Office Hours: Tips for promoting your business through social networks
Read: Social Networking Sites work to turn users into profits
Read: Past and Future of Social Networking
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