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Soccer star stuns local club under reality promotion


Adidas is selling properly edited and cut and glued shots through reality advertising.

“Soccer Pop-in/Green Hills Futball Club” supposed to the best soccer club in the town, as described by none other than David Beckham. He drops in there with a dozen pairs of (or probably more) Dicks Sporting Goods from Adidas. Chicks and hens practicing there got a shock of their lifetime when they found out that Beckham was walking towards them.

Beckham joins the team for target practice. As one player takes control of the ball and hits the target, we see Beckham switch jerseys with him while teammates explode in celebration. He is also promoting Armani

Not a single shot that Beckham has taken is unedited or uncut. Do you think the video is realistically real? Or the boys and the girls? Well…may be


Agency: 180LA
AD: Erwin Federizo
CW: Tom Hamling
CD: Joel Rodriguez
ECD: William Gelner
Producer: Kate Morrison
Production Company:
Director: Dave Meyers
DP: Joe Mead
EP(s): Frank Scherma, Donna Portaro
Post/Effects: Ring of Fire
Editorial: 89 Edit
Editor: Chris Davis
Assistant Editor: Daniel Spencer
EP(s): Bob Cagliero, Gail Butler
Producer: Nicole Keith
Telecine: Co3
Colorist: Stefan Sonnenfeld
Sound Design: Lime
Sound Designer: Rohan Young

Music: Beacon Street Music