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Kim Kardashian Skechers Super Bowl Commercial/Ad Photos, Video, Behind the scene

Kim Kardashian has become new Super Bowl brand ambassador for Skechers Shape-Ups NFL

Thanks to Kim Kardashian, In XLV Super Bowl 2011, it seems Go Daddy has a bigger competition in terms of scoring the highest sexyness point as Skechers is fast approaching to gain the top spot. According to some media monitoring company reports, the controversial Kim Kardashian is gaining attention of the NFL viewing public and how.

The lady may not have a steady eye candy boyfriend as of now but that does not mean she isn’t going to get attention at all from all of us. The long-lashed super hot entrepreneur babe has been roped in as spokesperson (spokesmodel…she will do a good job at the press conference, we fans are sure) for Skechers  ShapeUps. So she is starring in a television commercial for the year’s biggest advertising extravaganza called Super Bowl on February 6. On her blog, Kim excitedly explained, “I don’t want to give too much away, but the storyline of the ad is so fun and I think you guys are going to love the commercial. I have to break someone’s heart in the end… but you’ll have to wait to see why!”

Kim Kardashian Skechers Sneak Peak NFL Super Sunday 1

Kim Kardashian Skechers Sneak Peak NFL Super Sunday 2

Kim Kardashian Skechers Sneak Peak NFL Super Sunday 3

TV ad, photos, behind the scene videos after the jump

Judging from the promo behind-the-scenes shot posted to Kim’s blog, the television personality won’t be wearing all that much in the commercial, save a pair of pink and black ShapeUps. Are you looking forward to seeing her big ad debut?

Kim Kardashian’s Sexy Superbowl Ad (Preview)

Kim Kardashian Skechers Shape Up 2011 Super Bowl ad/commercial will be up after the play