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Hyundai 3 Super Bowl Ads/Commercials: Snap Out of it (for Elantra and Sonata Hybrid)

This XLV Super Bowl 2011 season, Hyundai joins the biggest advertising extravaganza with not one or two, but three ad spots. Two of these TVCs will promote the Elantra and try to get you to snap out of your compact car perception. The 3rd advert will feature the Sonata Hybrid car. Check out all three commercials here.

Hyundai’s “Snap Out of It” advertising campaign is trying to mesmerize Super Bowl viewers with swinging car keys in one of its ads. The aim is to hypnotize as well as deprogramming viewers who have to settle for power category products, meaning they are fooled by the compact cars of its competitors.

The “Hypnotized” ad asks, “Have we been hypnotized to believe compact cars are good enough? Snap out of it.”
Hyundai – Hypnotized – Elantra

The “Deprogramming” ad is revealing a kaleidoscope of graphics featuring compact car stereotypes while the Oscar-winning actor and spokesperson for the Korean car maker uttered, “Snap out of it, man.”
Hyundai –Deprogramming – Elantra

The last one, “Anachronistic City” on Hyundai Sonata Hybrid conveys that Sonata is not the first hybrid on road, it is a sophisticated evolution of hybrid technology.
Hyundai – Anachronistic City – Sonata Hybrid