Ad copy:
It's not a car, it's a weapon. Sounds like a gunshoot and feels like one too. Michael Köckritz, Ramp Magazin The new Lamborghini Aventador with 700hp The truth hurts.
Ad copy:
Gearshifts can be as unforgiving as a professionally executed punch in the neck. Jan Baedeker, The new Lamborghini Aventador with 700hp The truth hurts.
Ad copy:
It you slam on the brakes at 100km/h, you come to a halt in just 30 meters. Your eyeballs should then pop back into their sockets. Ulrich Safferling, Auto-Illustrierte The new Lamborghini Aventador with 700hp The truth hurts.
Ad copy:
The acceleration is apocalyptic. It can deliver pure delirium on demand. James May, Top Gear The new Lamborghini Aventador with 700hp The truth hurts.
Advertising Agency: Philipp und Keuntje GmbH, Hamburg, Germany Creative Directors: Diether Kerner, Jan Krause Art Director: Simon Jasper Philipp Copywriter: Bea Kiwitt Illustrator: Herr Müller Published: September 2011